At some point in an artist’s career, the need for a dedicated work space becomes difficult – even impossible – to ignore. The decision to rent studio space is a big commitment. Here’s a look at some of the reasons artists decide it’s time to have their own studio:
The artist working at home contends with all the distractions of household life, including children, pets, and appliances that make disturbing noises just when you’re trying to concentrate. Depending on where you live, neighborhood sounds can also be a factor. Having a dedicated studio space where you are free to focus without any fear of interruptions can help you achieve a state of creative flow.
Not every home has the room to accommodate large scale artwork. It’s certainly difficult to maneuver big canvases and oversized sculptural elements through the typical home. Plus you need space to actually do the work. For artists who work on a large scale, having room to back up and view the artwork from the necessary distance is especially critical.
Creating art can be a dangerous endeavor. Some paints are toxic, some processes involve sharp edges, flames, and chemicals – all in all, it’s not necessarily something you want to do in the same space where you eat, sleep, and have your loved ones. Maintaining safety protocols in a studio space is easier because the art studio is a single-purpose space.
Everyone needs to maintain a healthy work/life balance. This can be very tricky when your workspace is in your home. Having an artist’s studio space is one way to create healthy boundaries between your personal and professional lives. This helps keep work problems from impacting your home life and vice versa.
Click the button below to apply for Studio Space in the American Fabrics Arts Building